Making stadium sponsorship digital with Sport Singapore

Exploring how Singapore Sports Hub utilised Partnerbrite to revolutionise their sponsorship packages, transition into the digital era, and enhance their market appeal.

Making stadium sponsorship digital with Sport Singapore


Singapore Sports Hub (SSH), a leading sports stadium and complex, recognised the need to maximise the value of its sponsorships by offering extensive access to its diverse sports and entertainment audiences. To achieve this, SSH sought the innovative capabilities of Partnerbrite.


Facing a challenging sponsorship sales market and the need for a refresh under new ownership, SSH implemented Partnerbrite's platform to its sponsorship strategy. This approach allowed SSH to incorporate scalable media rights into their sponsorship packages. For the first time, SSH was able to segment its audience, offering tailored advertising to specific fan groups and thereby making its sponsorship packages more appealing.

The Result

The application of Partnerbrite's platform revolutionised the way SSH approached sponsorship sales. By integrating digital media products into their sponsorship offerings, SSH increased the value of these packages significantly. This resulted in SSH being able to raise its fees while still attracting considerable market interest. The ability to deliver measurable ROI for sponsors proved to be a game-changer for SSH in a competitive market.


Partnerbrite's innovative platform enabled SSH to transition into the digital era of sports sponsorship. By incorporating digital media rights into their sponsorship packages, SSH unlocked a new avenue of revenue and enhanced their market appeal. This case study demonstrates the transformative power of Partnerbrite in making stadium sponsorship a digitally-led, data-driven venture.